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Dear Sir / Madam,
Messe Frankfurt
Join All About Sustainability – a centralised zone for a worldwide movement

The global textile industry is firmly focused on eco-friendly fabrics and a greener future. Join All About Sustainability at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Autumn Edition to showcase your sustainable products to the Chinese market.
Our topics for you:
Sustainability an emerging trend in China’s apparel industry  
Previous exhibitor’s testimonial  
Soak up our fringe programme’s eco-friendly insights   
Concurrent shows   
Contact us to secure your booth   
Sustainability an emerging trend in China’s apparel industry
Sustainability an emerging trend in China’s apparel industry

The Chinese government pledged to hit peak carbon emissions by 2030 and become carbon neutral before 2060, which has led suppliers to invest more in sustainability.

On the consumer side, sustainability is taking root among young, urban, and increasingly environmentally conscious consumers. According to Daxue Consulting, 77% of surveyed Chinese consumers are willing to pay a premium for green fashion, and high profile Chinese brands are catering to this demand. Catch their eye at All About Sustainability this autumn!
  Fact sheet  

  Show brochure  

  Book your booth now  
Previous exhibitor’s testimonial

"The reason for our continued participation is because this platform is one of the most influential and well-received exhibitions within the textile industry. It is an important marketing tool for brand promotion and is an excellent event to introduce new certifications for market-specific needs.”
Ms Rinoa Zong, Deputy Marketing Manager, TESTEX (Shanghai) Textile Testing Co Ltd
Soak up our fringe programme’s eco-friendly insights
Soak up our fringe programme’s eco-friendly insights

Intertextile Apparel’s comprehensive fringe programme offers multiple expert-led seminars and themed forums covering the latest developments in the world of sustainable fashion and the circular economy.

Speaker’s feedback

“This forum session featured some leading sustainable brands, such as Eastman and The LYCRA Company. We hope that their insights can further inspire our peers so that the synergy effect can improve our collective sustainability.”
Ms Karen Du, Managing Director, R.I.S.E. Sustainable Fashion Lab / Sustainable Fashion Partner, Impact Hub Shanghai, China
Concurrent shows
Concurrent events
Contact us to secure your booth

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd
Ms Maggie Tse / Mr Jimmy Chan / Mr Tony Fung
Tel: +852 2238 9963 / 9999 / 9983
Fax: +852 2598 8771
Email: textile@hongkong.messefrankfurt.com